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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School


Our full Uniform policy can be found on the Policies page, which can be found under the Our School tab.

Children are encouraged to take pride in their uniform and to come to school wearing the following required items:-

Girls Boys
sky blue shirt or polo shirt sky blue shirt or polo shirt
navy blue skirt, tunic or trousers dark grey trousers
navy blue cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt navy blue jumper or sweatshirt
Optional, during the summer: Optional, during the summer:
blue & white dresses with white socks grey shorts

Uniform embroidered is not essential, and unembroidered items can easily be purchased from local supermarkets and other outlets.  However, if you do wish to purchase items embroidered with the school logo, these can be ordered in two ways -

1.  from a local firm, Multistitch, through the school office. 

2.  Online through myclothing.com.  Items ordered in this way can be delivered to school or to your home.

(PLEASE NOTE: All clothing should be labelled with the child's name)

Required P.E. / Games Kit

White t- shirt and navy shorts (preferably without zips or buttons).
Trainers, or plimsolls

Navy track suit or similar for outdoor games                                          Spare socks 

A PE top embroidered with the school logo can also be ordered through Multistitch.

Reception children

The children in reception are encouraged to play and learn through their outdoor environment. It is therefore useful if they come to school with appropriate clothing for the different weathers during the year. For example, waterproof coats, sun hats, and, on occasions, wellingtons may be useful.